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Today's temperature forecast
note that we are on the SE corner - between the 30 of Perpignan and 37 of Toulouse
note that we are on the SE corner - between the 30 of Perpignan and 37 of Toulouse

The vegies - well we've had tomatoes galore, along with - potatoes, courgettes, beans, capsicums, carrots, chillies, onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, figs, figs, figs (thankfully this crop has finished but there will be another lot end of September), pickles/gherkins, pumpkins, beetroot, sweetcorn and melons. As much as possible has been preserved for later in the year - the cellar is full of onions, potatoes, pumpkins and beetroot; the freezer is full of cherry tomatoes, chillies, fig pulp, cherries, capsicums. The tomatoes are just marching on like a line of soldiers and I've given away heaps as we just cannot fit anything else into the freezer.
Also growing are gourds, scorsonere (like salsify) and some flowers, like spicata (purple spikes), Reine margrieten (queen marguerites), zinnias, bella di notte (night beauty or belle de nuit), nasturtiums, artichokes (we let these flower rather than pick them and use them to eat as apparently they are hard work for little reward) and a few other bits and pieces. We can't wait to try the melons and I have developed a taste for pickles - never been interested before but now we have our own supply I thought it was time to try - and I'm pleasantly surprised with the result. I've preserved them in a light vinegar and several small batches have been done with different herbs like rosemary, bay leaf or thyme.
Artichoke flower

Recent full moon

Sweetcorn was a success, but not with french seeds - we found that most bought french seeds are pretty awful, especially given the price of a packet - the stuff we had from friends in france and new zealand is much better so I have managed to freeze several cobs - by NZ prices, about $70 worth!
The fete de Cambieure was a lovely evening with around 300 people turning up with family and friends to enjoy the village feast, music and later dancing entertainment.
Setting up

In the last couple of months people have been busy clearing out their attic or garage and there were lots of vides greniers (with entertainment) for us to attend and try and pick up some bargains.
Traditional music on Sheeps body pipes

Lastly for this blog, after some effort to get our webmaster into action, our B&B site is running - to take a look: