As it’s still warm we were careful to make a lot of noise and stamp our feet to give any resident snakes time to disappear. We kept another eye and ear out for any possible forest beasts like pigs and deer as well – and next week we’ll have to watch out for chasseurs (hunters, the real ones!) as hunting season starts this coming weekend. Wouter went up a big hill and kicked a load of cones down, which was really helpful. In all we have a few weeks worth of fire starters which will be very handy.
On our way back to the car we found some blackberries – so with one of our plastic carrier bags I started to collect. Memories of my childhood came flooding back as I recall going out with my sister , the two of us with a bowl each from our mother’s kitchen, to the local railway bridge and the blackberry brambles you could find there. We used to go home with both bowls full, purple hands and a few scratches, and our mother would make blackberry and apple pie, which was delicious if you could eat it while it was still warm....
We didn’t realise how quickly time had passed and Wouter came up with a Dutch saying (of which he has many) – “gezelligheid kent geen tijd”, which is the equivalent of ‘time flies when you’re having fun’.
This evening we enjoyed a pudding (those of you who know Wouter will know that he ALWAYS enjoys pudding!) of blackberries, the fruit of the passion flower, gathered yesterday from our back garden and no one else seems to like, topped with yoghurt.
Last, but by no means least, here is the first batch of “Pam’s Jams” made by gathering the figs from the back garden where we are staying:

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