This time of year is also when people participate in the Eisteddfod, which is a celebration of Welsh poets and musicians. The earliest confirmed Eisteddfod was in 1176. Competition was originally limited to professional bards and Queen Elizabeth I said they should be examined and licensed to maintain high standards. Interest waned but luckily was revived in the 1700's. These days the competition is open to the public and the International Eisteddfod attracts competitors from all over the world.
Youths compete in the Urdd Eisteddfod in singing, recitation, dancing, acting and musicianship. I remember very well the time our school was lucky enough to participate in the recitation. There were about 8 or 9 of us - we thought we were pretty good, and managed to come second. I also made a puppet one year - paper mache head and a knitted body, for which I received a commendation - maybe they don't have 'art' as a category any more.

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