Monday 1 December 2008

The Spatula

A few weeks ago we had to return some items to IKEA - you remember - the children's frames for the comfy chairs we bought and only realised once home that the frames were incorrect.

I just love IKEA but someone had to stay at home with Cassy and as I had grouting to do, it turned out to be me! (I thought it should really be Wouter, as Wouter and grouter rhyme). Also shopping - I know he hates it and I don't mind, especially as it was mainly related to my new kitchen. But these are modern times and a little role reversal never hurt anyone.

He had a list of items to collect - after returning the items, go and collect some extras which we needed for the new kitchen. Among the items on the list were spatulas. You know - the rubbery, flexible sort which you use to scrape the bottom and sides of bowls when you're baking. Wouter thought that these might be useful for applying the grouting. They were only 75 euro cents, so it didn't matter to get a couple.

When he came home, it was almost like Christmas with all the packages and extra bits and pieces. As we progressed through the list he told me he couldn't figure out what the spatulas were for and why I needed another two but decided to buy them anyway. But what came out of the bag were cooking spatulas - with holes - so I couldn't figure out how he thought I was going to use those for grouting.

The little darling told me he'd forgotten about our conversation the night before and why we needed the spatulas. Anyway, one of them is quite different to the two I bought since being in France, and also from the ones to be unpacked from our boxes. So I think might start a spatula collection....

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