Friday, 10 April 2009

Caterpillars on the March

This morning our routine was disrupted somewhat. I was looking out of the window while doing dishes and saw that a tree recently planted by the council was bending a bit too much in the wind. It seemed a pity to let it break so I asked Wouter if he would go and fix the support. At the same time I was aware of a lot of bird activity, which seemed more than usual. I thought that they had found something interesting to eat.

So as Wouter headed off to do the tree, he suddenly ran back - I knew straight away why. Chenilles. Wouter asked me to put the kettle on for boiling water while he grabbed his camera and went out again. I put on some water to boil and then followed in my dressing gown.

We were faced with a long procession of caterpillars, which we knew behaved this way but had never seen it. It was quite amazing to see them all nose to tail, moving quite slowly. The weather conditions seemed perfect as we had a soft south easterly wind blowing, and for the last couple of nights warmer temperatures. Also the next couple of days are supposed to rain, which would nicely loosen the soil so they can burrow their way in and become a larva until the next stage of development.

130 critters at our neighbours gate

The first procession we found had around 130 of the little blighters. Some had already been run over by passing cars. After watering them and a few other smaller processions, Wouter decided that more powerful action was required and got the blow torch. After a few hours there were some still wriggling and attempting to escape. He figures that with all the lines we found today there were about 800 of them! All capable of eventually making another 300 - imagine that.

This morning we saw that walking through the grass they are difficult to see, so it's a great disguise. Needless to say Cassy will be confined to quarters and will only go out with us over the next while until we are satisfied the ones in our area have gone.

Anyway, here are more pics of the event which you may also find fascinating.
from the rear

walking in Indian file

hot-watered - fried later

1 comment:

Yoke and Graham said...

Sorry, I put our comment under the wrong item. Look under the orange peel story!
lve Y+G