Wednesday, 29 April 2009


A pictorial entry to show some of the flowers in and around our property.

does anyone know what this is?

and this one?

geraniums and herbs

irises in one of my (many) vases

irises in garden

more irises in another part of the garden

lilac bushes are everywhere and smell heavenly

we have lots of these pretty orchids

one of the four vines we planted for table grapes

planting tomatoes - note the braod bean plants behind the tomato bed....

a spring vine

quite a spectacle in rows

sweet smelling wild broom

1 comment:

Yoke and Graham said...

Thanks a lot for flowers and broadbeans. Graham was especially happy with the beans he is trying to grow himself as well. But, regrettably, a few have already been eaten by slugs.
I was really impressed by all the work you have done to the house. You really have done a lot of work and it looks great! Good that you took pictures of what it looked like before you started working on it.
See you soon!
Joke and Graham